
ChainRegs is a high performance RegTech solution that uses our proprietary machine learning models and advanced data analytics to predict the likelihood of fraud, KYC/AML compliance violations, and other fincrime activities.

Rather than traditional rules-based systems that trigger alerts when certain thresholds are met, we use more advanced technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) to give our customers the edge in the constant battle against increasingly sophisticated financial criminal networks. It leverages the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) framework and other industry-accepted standards to ensure interoperability and frictionless interaction with real-world payment systems and practices.
For context, FIBO is a collaborative effort among industry practitioners, semantic technology experts and information scientists to standardize the language used to drive standardization across financial and related sectors. The FIBO ontologies are available as OWL 2 ontologies as well as UML models that are compliant with the Semantics for Information Modeling and Federation (SMIF) draft specification, and are linked at
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