AI-Powered Cyber Security and Compliance for SMB
RiskAct uses the latest AI technology to identify, track, and quantify your financial institution or insurance company’s risk profile and give you an actionable, prioritized list of tasks you can perform to keep your organization safe from cyber threats, and be compliant with regulations.
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RiskAct Benefits Include:
- Operational Risk Mitigation: Helps protect against technology failures and human error
- Risk quantification: Supports risk scoring, stress testing, and financial modeling
- Reputational Risk: Protect against negative publicity or loss of customer trust
- Cost Savings: Reduce the need for expensive human resources, save the cost of mitigating breaches, reduce the number packages and complexity of your security infrastructure
- The latest AI technology at your fingertips without the need of an internal build.
Whether it's ransomware, supply chain attacks, cloud security risks, social engineering, or phishing attacks, RiskAct plugs right into your environment to enhance cyber security, improve your risk posture, and strengthen operational resilience.
Interested? Join our Beta program now